Thursday, May 15, 2008

The day.

This has been a really rough day. It started last night at 11 with me violently throwing up (yes, still, thanks baby Hicks). I was finally able to fall asleep but awoke with a pounding headache, still wanting to throw up, to get Jesse who decided he must not feel well either because he started crying in his crib at 6:15 and I finally caved at 6:50.

Lots of crying ensued. Joel went to preschool then we went to Walmart where Joel became hysterical because he spilled a tiny amount of his drink and we fled (yes, it was that loud and long of a cry). As we are trying to flee, I realize it's hailing--weird, because it's only partly cloudy out with blue sky. I decide we still need to get to the car stat so I am running with the cart and throw the boys in the car.

We get home, more crying. Jesse naps, Joel doesn't and I have to go in there 5 times to remind him to be quiet. The last time, I see him standing in his dresser drawer, trying to reach something. Naptime is over and more crying by Joel. At this point, he pulled himself together long enough to say, "Joel, you're being ridiculous". I suppose he's heard me say that and I just had to stop and laugh.

I tried to let the boys make cut-out sugar cookies with green and yellow frosting but lots of crying was still happening and at the end, my freshly mopped floor (as of last night) was a disaster. I put Jesse in his pajamas a little early since I was changing his diaper anyway and he just came up to me (it's 6:30) and said he wanted to go to bed. My sentiments exactly.

Thursdays are rarely great days around here. Zac has commitments at work on Wed and Thurs nights so essentially, the boys don't see him from Tuesday evening until Friday morning. By Thurs evening, I am pooped, we all miss Zac, and we're ready for the weekend (he takes Fridays off). It's days like these that make me extra appreciate the better days we've been having lately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I swear Zac & Ryan have the same exact schedules... Wednesdays and Thursdays can be rough! And I only have one little stinker to run after. :)
Thanks for all your updates. I can't believe you're feeling the baby already! Fabulous!
Love from WA,